Member Mentions

✨Member Mention of the Week!✨ for 3/14/24

Member Mention of the week! Today we have kindergarten twins Isa and Olivia! This is their first semester in Menomonee Falls Children’s Choir and we love how they brighten our day! They said they love choir because "We like singing a lot, and we sing in choir!"

Isa loves playing hide-n-seek with her mom and dad! Her favorite song to sing is "Domino."

Olivia loves to eat popsicles! her favorite song to sing is "Happy Snowman!"

We love having you in choir girls!!

Member Mention ✨of the week  3/7/24

Today we have Reagan and Lucy!

1) What do you love about choir?

Reagan-we can be silly and have fun and sing songs

Lucy-we can be free to sing, I like singing since I've been singing since I was a baby

2) What's your favorite song we're doing?

Reagan-Almost There

Lucy-Let it Go

Keep on singing and shining Reagan and Lucy!!

Member Mention of the Week!✨ for 2/29/24

Today we have two of our Cedarburg Residents! Ellery and Arabelle!

This is Ellery’s third semester with us in choir! She loves coming to choir because “it is fun!” She loves singing and “being here with my besties.” In her free time she loves listening to Taylor Swift. Her favorite song that she has learned at choir is “Shine!”

This is Arabelle’s first semester with us and she is loving it! She says she is loving learning the music. In her free time she loves to draw. Her favorite song that she has learned in choir is the “Frozen Medley!”

Way to go Ellery and Arabelle! Keep on singing!

Member Mention ✨of the week  2/13/24 is new Choir member Lucas!

In his free time he loves to play video games and the piano!

Here is what Lucas had to say about choir!-  "I have friends in choir and it's pretty fun! Plus it's a good opportunity to meet other people! I love singing and I like the teachers!"

His favorite song so far is "When you Wish Upon a Star!"

Keep singing and shining Lucas!

Member Mention of the week 2/6/24!

Amelia has been in choir with us for 3 semesters!

In her free time she loves to ride her bike!

She loves being in choir because she loves to sing! Her favorite song this semester is “Hakuna Matata!”

Keep singing and shining Amelia!

Member Mention of the week 1/30!

Evie likes to sing, ice skate, ride my bike, do gymnastics and swim!

Evie said “I like choir because it really helps me to improve my voice and make sure I'm doing the right thing when learning to read music.”

Evie’s favorite song this session in choir is Hakuna Matata “because it's a fun song to sing.”

Evie has been with us since the beginning! 4 semesters in!

Keep up the beautiful singing Evie!

We officially have 21 members in our choir and we are so excited! Each week we will post a highlight of a few of our choir members. We hope you enjoy getting to know a little bit about us! Today's mention is brother/sister duo- Emily and Cole!

What do you love about choir?

Emily- I just love to sing!

Cole- I love that we learn new songs every time

What is your favorite song so far?

BOTH- "You've Got a Friend in Me!"

This is Emily's fourth semester in choir and Cole's 2nd! They LOVE LOVE LOVE it!